The University of Leeds Ladies' Club

Summer 2024

Thank you Carole for continuing to be our President

Carole and Gill AGM 2024

University of Leeds Ladies’ Club

Monthly Newsletter    -   June 2024


Dear Ladies,

I apologise for the late appearance of the June Newsletter.   I have not been at home very much in the last few weeks and all my correspondence has been delayed.  However, I am catching up now and hope that the delay will not inconvenience anyone.


News of AGM and Committee for 2024/25

At the Annual General Meeting held on 17th June, at which 23 members were in attendance, the committee for the forthcoming year, 2024/25 was approved as follows:


President – Mrs Carole Tabbron

Vice-President – Mrs Gillian Lydon

Hon. Secretary – Mrs Moira Wallace

Hon. Treasurer – Mrs Angela Robinson

Hon. Membership Secretary – Mrs Margaret Bradbury

Hon. Minutes Secretary – Dr Diana Wetherill

Other Members – Mrs Candace Arber, Mrs Tina Irving and Mrs Jean Williams.

At the AGM, it was announced that three members of the 2023/24 committee had decided to stand down (Mrs Janet Herbert, Mrs Anne Mark and Mrs Gillian Roche) and 2 new members had agreed to join the committee (Miss Diana Bell and Mrs Judith Partridge), leaving one vacancy.  

Subsequently, a third member (Mrs Carol Gleisner) has agreed to join the committee so we now have a full complement.

My thanks go to all those members who have left the committee this time for their support and valuable contribution to the proceedings of the committee through the years. My thanks go also to those three new members who have agreed to join this academic year. I hope you will enjoy your time as committee members.

The minutes of the AGM will be distributed in due course.



Message from the President.

As the continuing President, I would like to express my thanks to all those members who voted for me to continue in the role for another year.  I am very touched by your continued support and honoured to have been asked to continue in this, our very special Centenary Year. I will do my utmost to justify your faith in me.

This has been an interesting year with a wide variety of events ranging from the monthly coffee mornings which were held at the Lawnswood Arms until February when, sadly, the Lawnswood closed for business.  From March, we were forced to find a new venue and we switched to The Golden Beam in Headingley. A move that has proved a very positive one.  The coffee mornings are proving to be a most popular addition to the annual Calendar.  

In the Autumn term, we had our traditional Harvest Lunch, a most interesting talk on The History of Pies (with samples and a raffle of, yes you guessed it, Pies!). We held a most enjoyable Christmas Lunch at Headingley Golf Club.  

In the spring term, in February, we had a very entertaining talk and demonstration of the ‘Art of Origami entitled ‘Paper Magic’ at which we all had the opportunity to try our hand at the craft and we were able to bring home our handiwork.   In March, we had a most interesting and enlightening talk on the ‘History of Spinning in Pre-Industrialised West Yorkshire’ and the Spring Term was brought to a close with a fascinating talk on ‘Television – How it Works…and sometimes doesn’t!’

As we look ahead to the new academic session, I detail some dates for your diary including one very special date for your Diary in October. 


Dates for your diary

Tuesday 13th August at 10.30 am in the Library at the Golden Beam, Otley Road, Headingley.

As usual, this will be a ‘drop-in’ session for which there is no charge.  Coffee/Tea and other drinks are available to purchase and for those who wish to stay on and have lunch afterwards this also can be purchased, again at own cost.  

For those who do not know the Golden Beam, it is a very friendly and welcoming Pub/Restaurant and we will have sole use of the ‘Library’ room. (For more information look at our gallery images.) There is car park at the rear of the building with a couple of blue badge spaces. Alternatively, there is on-street parking in the surrounding streets.  All the buses that travel along Headingley Lane stop outside the Golden Beam including the X84 (however, as this is a limited stop service it is always a good idea to confirm with the driver that he/she will let you alight at this stop. Otherwise, you may have to travel a few further stops before leaving the bus)

As this is such a popular event in the calendar, we have booked additional dates for coffee mornings on the second Tuesday of each month until December when the coffee morning will be held on the first Tuesday to avoid clashing with the Christmas Lunch – details below.   Do please put these dates in your diary.




Tuesday 29th October 2024 at 12.30 for 1.30pm

To be held at the Weetwood Hall Hotel

As many members are aware, 2024 is the centenary of the foundation of the University Ladies’ Club, then known as the Ladies’ Tea Club, which held its first meeting on 29th October 1924, which will be exactly 100 years to the date of our event. 


For a number of reasons, we are not able to hold an event on the University campus but, in order to maintain our link with the University, we have arranged a “Sparkling Afternoon Tea” to be held at the Weetwood Hall Hotel (the former Weetwood Hall of Residence, in which some members may have been student residents over the years)


The afternoon will take the form of a Drinks reception at 12.30pm, at which members and their guests will be able to mingle and catch up with old friends before sitting down to a “Sparkling” afternoon tea.


The tea will consist of a selection of finger sandwiches and savouries. Scones with jam and clotted cream, a selection of cakes and a choice of freshly ground coffee or Hebden loose leaf tea.  


The meal will be accompanied by glass of Prosecco in which to toast the foundation and centenary of the Club. Non-alcoholic drinks will also be available. 


Please note that, in order to keep costs to a minimum, the full cost of the event is being subsidized by the Club as this is such a special occasion.   Bookings are open to members and guests and the subsidized cost will be £32.00 per person, which will be payable in advance.   


The closing date for bookings is 15th September.  The club has had to pay a deposit to secure the booking and we are now obliged to pay the balance in full by the end of September. Therefore, we must have received your payment (by cheque or BACS) by no later than 15th September to ensure that we have sufficient cleared funds in the bank to settle the account. 


If you are intending to book it would be very useful if you could let me know of your interest, say by the end of this month, so that we can keep the Hall informed of possible numbers. 


Further details and a booking form will be sent out in Mid-August so do please put the date in your diary and keep an eye on your inbox.

Christmas Lunch – 16th December 2024


Although it is rather early to be thinking of Christmas, I think we are all aware that venues get booked up very far in advance.  Accordingly, we have made a provisional booking for a Christmas Lunch, again at the Headingley Golf Club, on Monday 16th December. 


Details of menus and costs will be circulated (much) nearer the time but if you would like to make a note in your diary it could avoid any potential clash in the festive season. 


In the August newsletter we hope to have more details of other events we have managed to arrange for the rest of the Autumn term so do watch out for the newsletter in your inbox.

News of Members


I am sure that many members will be interested to hear that Militza Srivastata has moved to Bristol to be nearer her family.  He son has written to say that if anyone would like to keep in touch with his mother, she would be pleased to hear from them.  Under the terms of Data Protection (GDPR), I am not able to give all the details in the newsletter but if anyone would like to know Militza’s new address and phone number her son has given me permission to pass it on. If you would like the information, please let me know, preferably by email.


Our best wishes to Janet Herbert and Gillian Roche for their good health.


I have had a request from Sian Batchelder for information about a possible former member


Joyce Williams 

Does anyone know - or knew – Joyce Williams? The University of Leeds Walking Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and is anxious to uncover any information about Joyce. She was a founder member of the Walking Club, along with her husband Bill, but it sounds as though they have lost touch with her. Siân Batchelder (a former Club member) has been asked if Joyce was by any chance a Ladies’ Club member. She was known to have lived in West Park. 


Please get in touch with Siân if you have any information. 


I am pleased to say that I have not heard from any other members and am assuming that ‘no news is good news’!


Reports from the Groups.

From Book Group 1 (from the AGM June 2024)

We meet in the afternoon and continue to eat delicious cake.

Our discussions run the gamut from chatty and frivolous to serious and critically-informed.  We have enjoyed books set in Edinburgh and in Venice and read, amongst other books, ‘Death in Venice’; Patchwork: A Life among Clothes (by the curator of at the V & A); and the pro-science, pro-women ‘Lessons in Chemistry.

We look forward to learning some more history from historical novels including about East Prussia at the end of the war and, more pleasantly, about St. Cuthbert.

This will be our 68th year.

Mrs Gillie Andrews - Convenor


From Book Group 2 (from the AGM June 2024)


We continue to meet on the last Thursday of each month.  Our membership is restricted to nine, being the maximum we can accommodate at each meeting.  We have read an eclectic mixture of books, each chosen by a member to introduce at the relevant meeting. We aim to read a least one “classic” a year.  After each meeting a summary of the discussion is circulate to members.  

We have read books by, amongst others, John Steinbeck, Arnold Bennet, Barbara Pym and Robert Harris. 

Ms Christine Roy – Convenor


Garden Group (from the AGM June 2024)

We have met each month throughout the year except during severe wintry weather.


Our discussions have covered a wide range of topics including our unpredictable weather, chemical spraying of pests and weeds and the research into these issues.  We have also learnt about current research into the medicinal use of plants by the indigenous people of tropical rainforests.  We have been reminded of the importance of pollinating insects.


Each discussion has been followed by tea and cake and meetings continue to maintain friendship and mutual support.

Mrs Heather Harrison - Convenor


I hope you have enjoyed reading this newsletter. The next newsletter will be sent out around 31st July.   

If you have any items for inclusion, please could you let me have them by no later than 28th July

Take care and enjoy whatever summer we get!





strawberry scones

Monthly Newsletter     -    May 2024

Dear Ladies,

I hope that you are keeping well and that you are making the most of the occasional bursts of sunshine that we are having in between the monsoon like rain storms.  Let us hope that we may see some more sunshine and warmth in the coming months.

Wednesday 29th May 2024 Annual Spring Lunch – 12.30pm for 1.00pm

34 members and guests enjoyed a splendid two course lunch at the Annual Spring Lunch which was held in the main dining room at the Headingley Golf Club. 

spring lunch 2024

As usual, we enjoyed very good food and service in this most pleasant setting and I have had only excellent feedback from those who attended.   

As we enter June, we have the following events arranged:

Annual General Meeting

We have booked the TV lounge at Headingley Golf Club for the morning of Monday 17th June from 10.30am for the Annual General Meeting.  It is hoped as many members as possible will be able to attend.

At the meeting, several members of the committee will be stepping down and, inevitably this brings discussion about what is to happen in the next academic year. In particular, the membership of the committee for the new year.

The committee has a membership of 12 of which 6 places are for members who hold offices (such as President, Treasurer etc) and 6 who do not hold any office but provide advice and support at meetings.  These positions are open to Full and Associate members of the Club and are usually held on a three-year basis, although that is flexible.  A couple of the current committee members are coming to the end of their time on the committee and we need to look for their replacements.    Can You Help?

We are a very friendly group, with enjoyable meetings, which always include cake!  If you think you would be interested, and would like to know more, do please get in touch with me and I will do my best to answer any queries you may have. 

Further details of the meeting will be sent out in the next few days.

Forthcoming Events

On Tuesday 11th June from 10.30am onwards, we have our usual Coffee Morning. 

This will be held in the Library at The Golden Beam on the Otley Road as in the past few months.  As this is a drop-in session no payment is required in advance, just pay for what you have on the day.

The Golden Beam is situated in the former Elinor Lupton building on Otley Road and there is a car park at the rear plus on street parking in the area.  The buses travelling on the Otley Road/Headingley Lane all stop outside. These are the No’ 6, 8, 27, 28 and the limited stop X84, although do check with the driver on the X84 that he/she will allow you to alight outside the Golden Beam. 

If you park in the car park, please note that you should register your car number plate at the Bar to avoid any possible parking fines. 

Please note also that the July coffee morning will be held at The Golden Beam on Tuesday 9th July at 10.30am and the August coffee mornings will be held there on Tuesday 13th August at 10.30am.

News from the groups.

Christine Roy has sent me the following report of the recent meeting of Book Group 2.


We met on Thursday May 30th 2024 and our book for May was Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris. 

Introduced by me, I had relied heavily on that well-respected (!) academic, Google to remind myself and the group of the 17th Century context. There was some discussion of the apparent neglect of this historical period in current exam syllabuses. We admired Harris’s depiction of the two fugitives, Ned Whalley and Will Goffe. Although these were based on actual historical figures, their pursuer, Naylor is an entirely fictional one although Harris brings him to life on the pages. 

Our discussion focused on the way Harris leads us to empathise to an extent with each of the characters, reminding us that circumstances can often change people into awful versions of themselves. Both sides had committed dreadful acts yet both sides also showed and experienced the best of humanity. We could see how their puritanical beliefs in a vengeful God led them to accept that every misfortune was explained by some greater plan. Goffe even had specific biblical references at his fingertips to back up these beliefs. 

We thought the contrast between England and the US was well drawn. Harris has a gift for apparently looking at a modern landscape, such as that around Harvard, and then stripping it of any modernity. He convinces us with his description of how it was then, with the large, empty landscapes of the US in many ways as frightening as the cramped, dirty confines of the London of Charles II.  I think it is true to say that all had enjoyed the book in spite of a few gripes about the ending and some lengthy repetition.  

We missed Jean who is still with family in NZ. Thanks to Candy who hosted us and provided a wide choice of delicious cakes.

And finally!

A date for your diary,

Centenary Celebration – Tuesday 29th October 2024

This year is the Centenary of the formation of the Ladies’ Club and we are hoping to organise a celebratory lunch to mark the occasion.  Tuesday 29th October 2024 seems to be the most appropriate date, as it will be exactly 100 years to the day since the first meeting of the Club.  Please do make a note of this date in your diary.  

It would be good if as many members as possible were able to attend to mark such a landmark date in our history.  Further details will be sent out in due course.

Christmas Lunch – 16th December 2024

I do realise that it is rather early to be planning for Christmas, we haven’t even had summer yet!   However, I think we are all aware that venues get booked up very far in advance.  

Accordingly, we have made a provisional booking for a Christmas Lunch, again at the Headingley Golf Club, on Monday 16th December. 

Details of menus and costs will be circulated (much) nearer the time but if you would like to make a note in your diary it could avoid any potential clash in the festive season. 


The next newsletter will be sent out around 30th June.  If you have any items for inclusion, please could you let me have them by no later than 28th June.

Don’t forget that, if you are interested in giving something back to the Club by becoming a member of the committee, please get in touch and I will do my best to give you an insight into what is involved.  

I hope you have enjoyed reading the newsletter and I hope to see you at the coffee morning and the Annual General Meeting.  


Monthly Newsletter - April

Dear Ladies,


I hope that you are keeping well, that you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday despite the weather and are looking forward to the summer, when hopefully we may see some more sunshine and warmth.


On 21st March, we had a most enjoyable talk by Dr John Cruickshank on the history of ‘Spinning through the West Riding’ in the pre-industrial period. The talk was very well received and made us realise just what hard lives our ancestors had endured and how lucky we are to live in the present day. 

Please see picture in  the March newsletter below..


On 15th April, we enjoyed a most interesting, enlightening and entertaining talk by Patrick Titley on ‘How TV works….and sometimes doesn’t’.  Patrick regaled us with stories from his career as a TV director and producer and the amusing, and sometimes not so amusing things, that happen in the making of TV programmes.  I think we all left with a new respect and admiration for the hard work, and the complexity, involved in the making of tv programmes which always seem so effortless and which hitherto we have taken for granted.

TV talk



As we enter May we have the following events arranged:


Forthcoming Events

On Tuesday 14th May from 10.30am onwards, we have our usual Informal Coffee Morning. 

This will be held in the Library at The Golden Beam on the Otley Road as in the past two months.  We hope as many members as possible will be able to attend.  As this is a drop-in session no payment is required in advance, just pay for what you have on the day.

The Golden Beam is situated in the former Elinor Lupton building on Otley Road and there is a car park at the rear plus on street parking in the area.  The buses travelling on the Otley Road/Headingley Lane all stop outside. These are the No’ 6, 8, 27, 28 and the limited stop X84, although do check with the driver on the X84 that he/she will allow you to alight outside the Golden Beam. 

If you park in the car park, please note that you should register your car number plate at the Bar to avoid any possible parking fines. 

Please note also that the June coffee morning will be held at The Golden Beam on Tuesday 11th June at 10.30am


Wednesday 29th May 2024 Annual Spring Lunch – 12.30pm for 1.00pm



As many members will be aware, we have had some difficulty in securing firm bookings for our events in the last couple of months.  However, the situation has now been resolved and I am pleased to be able to announce that we will be holding our Annual Spring Lunch in the main dining room at the Headingley Golf Club on Wednesday 29th May at 12.30pm for 1.00pm.


The meal will consist of two courses with choices at each course plus tea or coffee.  The cost will be £20 per person. A Flyer and Booking form were sent out on Saturday 27th April and booking forms should be returned to me at the address shown on the form. 



Annual General Meeting


We have booked the TV lounge at Headingley Golf Club for the morning of Monday 17th June from 10.30am for the Annual General Meeting.  

Further details of the meeting will be sent out at the end of May.


News of Members.

Moira Wallace has now had her hip replacement operation and, I understand, is back at home and recovering well.


I understand also that Mary Donovan is recovering at home from a very nasty fall and subsequent spell in hospital.


To both Moira and Mary, and for any other members who are ill or recovering from illness, we send our very best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


Garden Group

Heather Harrison has sent me the following report of the recent meeting of the Garden Group.

Our February meeting gave us opportunity to discuss and share views on several writers, including James Rebanks and Dara McNulty, whose works reflect aspects of the past and present natural world.  Although we have a common interest in gardens, we also look at the wider world of wild and cultivated plants. 

In March we considered some of the traditional vegetables grown in allotments and vegetable plots in the garden.  Root vegetables such as the much-maligned turnip gave rise to lively discussion in the light of Renaissance recipes, Baldrick of Black Adder fame, Government exhortation to consume them in the absence of other options, and school dinners.

The talk in March was mainly about non-edible plants.  We looked at the work being carried out by three researchers, William Milliken based at Kew Gardens, Chris Thorogood at Oxford Botanic Garden and Kelsey Byers at the John Innes Centre. Byers' work involves plants which attract pollinators by their smell, as demonstrated by the foetid smelling Rafflesia of Indonesia.

rafflesia of Indonesia

She is also working on varieties of oil seed rape used as fodder crops. Greater yield could be assured if it can be discovered which variety attracts the most pollinators. The current and future use of plants as natural remedies continues to drive plant hunting by Milliken and Thorogood.  Regrettably the knowledge of indigenous people in this regard is declining, as is their number.  

For more on this subject go to BBC iPlayer Sounds, Start the Week 04 Mar 2024, Kirsty Wark with Chris Thorogood, Kelsey Byers and William Milliken

And finally!


A date for your diary,


I do realise that it is rather early to be planning for Christmas, we haven’t even had summer yet!   However, I think we are all aware that venues get booked up very far in advance.  


Accordingly, we have made a provisional booking for a Christmas Lunch, again at the Headingley Golf Club, on Monday 16th December. 


Details of menus and costs will be circulated (much) nearer the time but if you would like to make a note in your diary it could avoid any potential clash in the festive season. 


The next newsletter will be sent out around 31st May.  If you have any items for inclusion, please could you let me have them by no later than 28th May. 


I hope you have enjoyed reading the newsletter and I hope to see you at some, or all, of the forthcoming events.  





Monthly Newsletter     -    March 2024

Dear Ladies,


Welcome to the March newsletter and may I wish you all a very Happy Easter!




Report of the talk on 21st March.


On 21st March, 30 members and guest enjoyed a most interesting and enlightening talk on ‘Spinning in the West Riding’ which was given by Dr John Cruickshank. 

Talk Spinning West Riding

The talk focused on the ‘industry’ before the industrial revolution.  We heard all about the development of spinning which, pre-industrialisation, was carried out at home, the original ‘cottage industry’.  Dr Cruickshank’s talk led to a number of questions about the industry and also a number of members related anecdotes about their ancestors who had used many of the crafts in their own family lives.  A very interesting and enjoyable afternoon.


Forthcoming Events

Tuesday 9th April 2024 - Informal Coffee Morning from 10.30am onwards

In March, following the closure of the Lawnswood Arms, we held our first coffee morning at the Golden Beam on the Otley Road in Headingley. this first meeting at the Golden Beam was well supported and I have had very positive feedback about the venue.  Therefore, arrangements have been made for us to continue to meet at the Golden Beam on the second Tuesday of each month.  

Accordingly, the April Coffee Morning will be held in the Library at the Golden Beam on Tuesday 9th April from 10.30am onwards.

As before, this is a drop-in session and no payment is required in advance, just pay for what you have on the day.

The Golden Beam is situated in the former Elinor Lupton building on Otley Road and there is a car park at the rear plus on street parking in the area.  The buses travelling on the Otley Road/Headingley Lane all stop outside. These are the No’ 6, 8, 27, 28 and the limited stop X84, although do check with the driver on the X84 that he/she will allow you to alight outside the Golden Beam.  If you park in the car park, please note that you should register your car number plate at the Bar to avoid any possible parking fines. 

I hope as many members as possible will be able to attend and I look forward to seeing you then. 


Monday 15th April 2024.  “Television – How it works….and sometimes doesn’t!” 


An illustrated talk by Patrick Titley, a former TV producer and director and also a visiting Professor at the University of York, who will share with us his experiences of working in television and of the people he has met.

Patrick is an experienced series producer, and single- and multi-camera director. He’s worked on a wide variety of programmes – drama, documentary and entertainment, and he’s directed live shows on every terrestrial channel. He’s won several awards, including a BAFTA and an RTS, and he’s been a senior executive at a major broadcaster. He is also an experienced trainer in single- and multi-camera techniques; and has been a Senior Lecturer on the ScreenSkills accredited BSc in Film and Television Production at the University of York.

Recent credits:

Susan Calman's Antiques Adventure : True North for Channel 5; (TX Nov 2021)
Today at the Great Yorkshire Show: Daisybeck for Channel 5 (TX July 2019)
Carols at Christmas: Daisybeck for Channel 5 (TX Dec 2019)

This talk will be held at Headingley Golf Club at 2pm.  A Flyer and Booking Form was sent out on 22nd March with a closing date of Tuesday 9th April.   Bookings should be made with Gillian Roche at the address shown on the booking form.  


To avoid disappointment may I suggest that, if you wish to attend, you send your booking as soon as possible.



Spring Lunch.


In previous years, members will remember that we have held an annual Spring Lunch at the end of March or in early April.  I send apologies that this year we have not been able to make an arrangement as yet. It has proved to be very difficult to obtain a booking at a suitable venue and so the ‘Spring’ Lunch may have to become an early summer Lunch.


I am trying to make a booking in the near future for perhaps a date in May and will let you know as soon as possible.  Watch this space!




The Annual General Meeting is held, normally, at the end of June.  At the moment, I am waiting for confirmation that we can hold the meeting at Headingley Golf Club, as before, but I will not know the outcome of my request until later this month.  

I am also investigating alternative venues and, once again, I will let you know as soon as possible so that you can put the date in your diary.

Do watch your inbox for further information.


Reports from the groups.

Book Group

Thursday 28th March 2024

The March 2024 meeting of Book Group 2 was held at the home of Jennifer Milligan with a full complement of members.  

The book this month was ‘Death at La Fenice’ by Donna Leon.  It was the first of the Donna Leon books, which are set in Venice and general consensus was that it was a most enjoyable book. 

We agreed that this book was easy to read and was quite amusing in places. The descriptions of Venice were excellent and depicted the misty, mysterious, atmosphere of the city very well.  

Our thanks go to Jennifer for hosting the meeting and for the usual delicious tea and cake.




And finally!


Spring inevitably brings discussion about what is to happen in the next academic year and, in particular, the membership of the committee for the new year.


The committee has a membership of 12 of which 6 places are for members who hold offices (such as President, Treasurer etc) and 6 who do not hold any office but provide advice and support at meetings.  These positions are open to Full and Associate members of the Club and are usually held on a three-year basis, although that is flexible.


A couple of the current committee members are coming to the end of their time on the committee and we need to look for their replacements.   

Can You Help?


We are a very friendly group, with enjoyable meetings, which always include cake!  If you think you would be interested, and would like to know more, do please get in touch with me and I will do my best to answer any queries you may have. 


 The next newsletter will be 30th April.  If you have any items for inclusion, please could you let me have them by no later than 28th April. 


 I hope you have enjoyed reading the newsletter.  Take Care and Keep Safe,

